Rushed Murmurs - Berlin - 17.10.2013

Rushed Murmurs
audiovisual interactive performance
Fernando Iazzetta + Lílian Campesato + Rogério Costa

AckerStadtPalast ++++ 17.10.2013, 20Uhr
Ackerstraße 169/170
10115 Berlin

This concert explores the idea of experimental use of sound resources in an interactive environment. The program includes five pieces, each of which proposing a particular connection between sound, gesture and image. Movimento (2011) is a duo in which one of the performer's gestures and voices conduct the presentation and processing of previously recorded images taken from a moving camera. In Drunk Hands (2013) the gestures are restricted to the hands of a performer playing over a table top. Both sounds and movements of the hands are captured and used to generate the audiovisual material for the piece. ImproDuo is based on the concept of free improvisation. A sax player and a percussionist build an improvisation from previously agreed concepts that will guide a sonic game involving a collaborative processes. Both the sax and the percussion are tied up by live electronics processing. LateDelay (2013) is inspired by the text scores widely used in experimental music from the 1950's and 1960's. A written text is read by one of the performers. Following a series of instructions the other musicians will create echoes and delays of the original text, playing with memory and forgetfulness. The final piece works as a coda in which the three musicians interact with a live electronic system by improvising over sound and video materials derived from the other pieces of the concert.

The trio is formed by three Brazilian composer/performers coming from different backgrounds. Lílian Campesato is a researcher and sound artist that uses her voice and gestures to create audiovisual performances. Fernando Iazzetta is a percussionist who uses live electronics and image processing to expand the possibilities of percussive sounds; Rogério Costa is composer and a sax player with a strong background in non-idiomatic improvisation; They belong to a larger group of artists connected to NuSom, the Research Centre on Sonology of the University of São Paulo.

1. Movimento (2011) - Fernando Iazzetta and Lílian Campesato
2. Hidden Music - Rogério Costa
3. LateDelay (2013) - Lílian Campesato, Rogério Costa and Fernando Iazzetta
4. Drunk hands (2013) - Lílian Campesato and Fernando Iazzetta
5. Final Impro - Lílian Campesato, Rogério Costa and Fernando Iazzetta

Galeria de Imagens

quinta-feira, Outubro 17, 2013 - 20:00