Conversa com Marie Thompson: Sounding Reproduction

Conversa com Marie Thompson: Sounding Reproduction

Segunda-feira, dia 23/04/18, às 14h00 - Sala 12 do CMU

Sounding reproduction
In this talk, I’ll discuss my developing research into the connections between sonic, social and sexual reproduction. I will contextualise this in relation to some of my previous work on affect and noise, suggesting that continues through these themes is an interest in the ways in which questions of power, race and gender extend beyond ‘the representational’; and shape structures of thought, technics and practice. An attention to reproduction, I’ll suggest, makes apparent the entanglement of sonic media with gendered and racialised distributions of labour; and opens a space for a Marxist-feminist politics of sound and music.

References (mentioned during the talk)

- Ahmed, Sara (2017) Living a Feminist Life. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Bull, Anna. (2015) The musical body : how gender and class are reproduced among young people playing classical music in England. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London [Thesis]
- Hochschild, Arlie (1983) The Managed Heart. California: University of California Press.
- Keightley, Keir (1996) ‘’Turn it down!’, she shrieked: gender, domestic space and high fidelity, 1948-59’, Popular Music 15/2, pp. 149-177.
- Sofia, Zoe (2000) ‘Container Technologies’ Hypatia vol.15/2, pp. 181-201.

Marie Thompson is a Senior Lecturer in the University of Lincoln’s School of Film and Media. She is the author of Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism(Bloomsbury, 2017) and the co-editor of Sound, Music, Affect: Theorizing Sonic Experience (Bloomsbury 2013).

segunda-feira, Maio 21, 2018 - 14:00